Architecture . Computational Design


Architecture . Computational Design


Architecture . Computational Design


Architecture . Computational Design


Architecture . Computational Design


Architecture . Computational Design

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Meet The Ken 3.0

We’re glad to introduce the latest generation of our beloved WordPress theme The Ken. The third version comes with a vast array of improvements, user requested features and additions, new header & EdgeSlider styles, multiple hover scenarios, shortcodes, page intros and many many more. One hell of an update! Right?

Having delivered most of the trending elements, features and layouts we have reassured The Ken’s infinite creative power and extensive lifetime. We have also revamped our demo base to an ever-evolving fully site-based collection so you will understand The Ken’s possibilities better and deeper.

Improved Performance

From Page Composer to EdgeSlider, from shortcodes to animations, from theme options to metas, many improvements are applied to increase the performance.

King of Its Class

Look at The Ken’s user base and find a community of artists and startups that has created spectacular websites. The ken is a creative solution for a creative community.

Nothing Missing!

The Ken 3.0 is the ultimate collection of our users’ wishlists, latest industry trends, popular design/development patterns and also trending layouts and structures.

Ever-Evolving Template Base

Introducing Artbees Template Base

The Ken comes with 7 template sites templates. We’re about to release 1 new site template every week via Artbees template base on You can surf and install those you admire through our dead easy demo importer. There are currently 8 templates to download. You will get notified when new templates are available to download from the template base.

Beauty On The Go

The Ken 3.0 is even more beautiful on the go. We have improved responsive state of layout, elements and everything and refurbished the mobile view to meet higher standards and seamless beauty.
New Shortcodes And New Styles

We have added new shortcodes to The Ken 3.0 and new styles to existing shortcodes.

Shortcodes Are

A Breeze

We have added new shortcodes to The Ken 3.0 and new styles to existing shortcodes in previous versions. Thanks to which you can create totally different and brand new designs as if you have used a new theme.

Packed With Latest Tech


Artbees most advanced admin panel is a host of brand-new features and user-centered development.


The Ken 3.0 comes with the latest version of world’s #1 Drag&Drop page composer to reach maximum efficiency.

Design Comes First

The Ken follows modern aesthetics & user-centered structure. Your website enjoys a sleek perfection embodied in a unique and simple user interface.


The Ken 3.0 is a tuned for maximum compatibility and beauty within different viewports.


The Ken 3.0 version is designed with latest trends and and is compatible with modern design practices.

What They Say

The Ken Powers more than 2000 awesome websites from different sectors and businesses.

Our Partners

  • Young Buck Brew
  • Sunshine
  • Shield Retro
  • Michael Raven
  • Insignia
  • Hipster Company
  • Breakfast Style
  • Arrowhead Valley